Breast Cancer Installation 2020
Since 2020, I've worked on a large scale installation of photo intaglio print objects to reflect the staggering statistics that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. In essence, I'm photographing women 18 and up from the clavicle to the hip, then digitally manipulating the images in Photoshop to be inverted, cropped, etc. The photographs are then transformed into photo-intaglio prints. Finally, I am framing the images within mammogram examination gowns to create a powerful art object full of metaphorical content. Women unaffected by breast cancer as well as breast cancer survivors to be included in a large scale art installation utilizing anonymous high resolution, 300 dpi, photographs of themselves, clavicle to belly button. For every seven art objects depicting unaffected women’s breasts, the eighth is a an image of a survivor. The mammogram gowns are bright pink while the cancer survivor is clad in one faded to reflect her struggle. The series of work is meant to engage and educate viewers on the impact of this deadly disease. At this point I have twenty seven finished pieces, however my series is constantly growing and I envision the continuation of this body of work for several years to come.